Visit 12 art installations at different locations along Ballona Creek. View a pdf of the flyer here.
Visit 12 art installations at different locations along Ballona Creek. View a pdf of the flyer here.
BCR has created and maintained two murals on the walls adjoining the creek bikepath to commemorate the creek itself and major rivers of the world
Several times a year, BCR arranges a creek or wetlands cleanup, along with partners such as other organizations or public agencies.
Native California plants, especially those suited to the location you’re going to plant them, need far less water than all those plants with huge, gorgeous flowers and high-maintenance grassy lawns.
Our classroom presentations for students are especially popular for elementary school classrooms, usually grades 3 to 6.
We love to create presentations for interested adult groups in addition to students.
Our tours bring students or adults out into areas of the watershed where they can see the environmental beauty or problems for themselves.