BCR Informative Public Presentations
- We create presentations for interested adult groups in addition to students. Our adult groups have included members of the YMCA, library groups, and various clubs and organizations.
- We inform our audience about the interaction of Ballona Creek with the ocean and its inhabitants. Ballona Creek is, after all, a storm drain that carries not only rainfall from our streets to the ocean but also trash, bacteria, oil and other pollutants, harming not just ocean dwellers but also the great variety of birds and some fish that thrive in the creek. We explain how to reduce contamination flowing into the creek from ordinary daily activities and how we can help make the creek an important ecological, recreational and educational resource.
- We also provide occasional public lectures by experts on interesting topics pertaining to the creek and watershed, such as native plants. And we have booths with abundant photos and information about the creek and watershed and knowledgeable volunteers at certain public events, including Culver City’s Fiesta la Ballona and our own creek cleanups.
- If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your group, please contact us at info@ballonacreek.org