Two students participate in a joint BCR/L.A. County Earth Day planting event.
Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR), a Culver City-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, welcomes donations of cash, goods or services, or your time as a volunteer or member of the board of directors or advisory council.
Donations of cash may be made by check payable to “Ballona Creek Renaissance” and mailed to Ballona Creek Renaissance, PO Box 843, Culver City, CA 90232. (download donation form).
You can also make a secure online tax-deductible donation to Ballona Creek Renaissance using your credit card, Paypal, by following this link: donation form or via the box to the right.
Other types of donations: Professional services that would be helpful to us include printing, fund-raising and preparing grant applications.
Since Ballona Creek Renaissance is a 501(c)(3) organization, the value of donations is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Liana Magkolas, Evan Dumas and Blake Hottle were three of many volunteers staffing our educational booth at Fiesta la Ballona.
Volunteers help us achieve our goals by donating their time. It can be a few hours now and then, such as our creek cleanups or garden maintenance work days. These require no special training (other than instructions on the work day) and no regular commitment of time. These opportunities are highlighted in our monthly e-news (you can subscribe here). Children are usually welcome, and we appreciate having them learn the importance of what we (and you) are doing.
We have various levels of volunteer opportunities depending on your available time. To learn more, visit our page volunteer opportunities.