Board members make a more extensive commitment of time than occasional volunteers. They are expected to be informed about BCR activities through attendance at most monthly board meetings, reading of minutes of missed meetings, and through email messages. Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected from the board. Board members and officers are not paid for performing regular board duties (although approved out-of-pocket expenses are reimbursable, of course). Board members are expected to know special obligations of board members of non-profit charitable organizations like BCR, which are somewhat more stringent than for regular for-profit organizations and businesses. Elections are held annually; we hope that board members are willing to serve for more than the nominal one-year term, as their family and personal businesses permit.
Advisory Council members often have special knowledge useful to BCR. They are always welcome at monthly board meetings but are not required to attend. Advisory Council members keep informed through the use of email, reading of monthly minutes, etc., and their thoughts are solicited for BCR business and activities.
Board and Advisory Council members often participate in our regular public activities as their time permits, because it’s fun and satisfying!